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DDM Irrigation
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Marion, IA 52302

Irrigation Robins

How to maintain your lawn irrigation system

Irrigation system just like your AC system or even your car needs maintenance too. Without maintenance, performance will be below your expectations. With DM irrigation in Robins, we not only install the right sprinkler in your lawn or garden, but we also ensure that we are always available to all our irrigation customers in Robins for routine maintenance.
Irrigation repair is essential because it helps save you the cost of water and electric bill. With a broken lawn irrigation system, it is more likely at the water will flood in some regions. Some parts of your garden will be left with patches of brown grass indicating that the water is not being distributed evenly as it is supposed to be.
DM irrigation offers you guidance and advice on how to carry out simple maintenance. Our technicians are also available to come carry out the more complex maintenance of upgrading once you call us. Among the necessary maintenance options for your irrigations system include;

Examining the sprinkler heads

A broken sprinkler head will most likely cause runoffs or uneven water distribution. Some patches will be every wet while others may not be getting enough water. You can see this by examining your lawn, extremely wet regions will cause the grass to dry off as the roots are rendered incapable of taking up oxygen. For better irrigation in Robins, replace the damaged or broken heads.

Change your control timers

Plants’ water demand changes with seasons. Same applies to the grass planted in your lawn. The water demand will also depend on the type of plants in your garden or the grass in your lawn. Some crops take up more water. If you have planted a different kind of grass or plants in your garden, adjust the time in your control system timers. You should also adjust the timers when seasons change. The water demand for winter is relatively high than for other seasons.

Adjust the water pressure

Irrigation in Robins is subject to water pressure just like other regions. If you realize that your sprinkler has more water than before or it is sprinkling further than before, check the pressure lest you accidentally spray your guest with water as they walk along your driveway.

Replace your nozzles and realign the head

Due to the vibrations as the sprinkler parts move when irrigating. The head is bound to be misaligned. That cusses irrigation in areas that do not need to be watered. So regular realigning is required. You can contact DM irrigation to do it for you. If the nozzle is loose, you should replace it too; besides, the nozzles are not expensive and replacing it will give you better performance.

Winterization service

Your sprinklers need to be prepared for the long freezing season. Having your sprinklers winterized by our DM irrigation professionals will protect your system making sure that it will still perform as expected when winter is over. Winterization includes blowing the heads, valves, and rotors. With this, irrigation in Robin because as reliable as in the tropics.
It is important to remember that, exposure of underground sprinkler causes a safety threat especially to children who play on your lawn. Experts recommend two times maintenance of your irrigation system. On the lower side, at least contact your irrigation system service providers once per year. Irrigation systems need routine repairs mostly because they are made of moving parts, and conventionally, systems with moving parts need to be readjusted and realigned from time to time to maintain the correct position and performance. With DM irrigation professionals, you enjoy better performance and excellent customer care.

Irrigation Robins


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